Are you working and living (temporarily) in the Netherlands and dealing with an unplanned pregnancy? It's likely that you're feeling overwhelmed. You need to make an important decision quite quickly. You have several options. These are available even if you're only living in the Netherlands temporarily. 

We are a specialist centre that provides support and information about unplanned pregnancies. We believe you should have access to all the knowledge you need to make the choice that's right for you. This page contains information you can trust that will help you decide.  

Ongewenst zwanger - Zelf opvoeden

Raising the child yourself
You can choose to carry your pregnancy to term and raise your child on your own. It's important that you consider your feelings and emotions, your situation (such as housing and the support you can get from others), as well as whether you can afford to raise a child. Fiom can refer you to the services that are right for you. 

Ongewenst zwanger_Abortus

Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates (ends) the pregnancy. There are several types of termination available depending on how far along your pregnancy is. This can be a very difficult decision. Fiom can support you in making it.

Ongewenst zwanger - Pleegzorg

Foster care
A foster care placement means your child will live with a foster family. This is often temporary, with the goal being for your child to eventually live with you. You might consider this option if you aren't able to care for your child right now but would like to maintain contact with them. Fiom provides advice and referrals.

Ongewenst zwanger - Afstand ter adoptie

Adoption means that another family will raise your child. If you place your child for adoption, you will no longer have parental rights. This is a big decision and requires careful thought. You will be given guidance when you are making this decision. Fiom provides free support during the process. Read more about the support we provide or contact us. 

Would you like to know more about the available options?  

See your options (Dutch page with a translation tool).

Help with making a decision

Online information
Our website contains all the information you need about unplanned pregnancy. You can use it to help you make an informed decision. All the pages can be translated into your preferred language. 

Online tools
Our online decision-making module "Pregnant, now what?" can help you work through your options and make a well-informed choice. (Currently only available in Dutch. An English version will be available soon.) 

Speak to a counsellor
If you'd prefer to talk to someone about your decision, Fiom can refer you to a counsellor near you. Counselling is provided free of charge and is available in English. Call +31 88 126 4990.

Your rights and responsibilities  

Find out more about your rights and responsibilities for each option. This information is about Dutch laws on adoption, abortion and raising your child yourself.

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Contact information  

You're not alone. Whatever you decide to do, Fiom is here to help you. 

Telephone: 088 126 49 90